Freedom - Enjoy It Every Day (July 2014)
Ask anybody what they really want in life and most likely you'll hear:
Good Health
More Free Time
But what are we living? Probably a life with too much stress, from burdens, worries, working endless hours both at work and at home, therefore damaging our health and not allowing ourselves some much needed "free time."
1. Always be kind - to yourself, too. When your thoughts are negative, acknowledge and quickly replace with a positive. Focus on the good in people, and tell yourself "good job!"
2. Accept all situations as opportunities. There is a great purpose for why things happen to us. Look for the lesson and be grateful. Feeling gratitude is incredibly freeing.
3. Get rid of mental clutter, and live for the moment. Writte down the important ones, and tell yourself that you will think about those later, one at a time. This frees up your mind.
4. If you don't want to say Yes Yes Yes! to something when asked, then say No. If you have ever said Yes to helping out with something, often times you get asked to help many additional times. Don't be a Yes Man. Pick and choose what appeals to you the most and say No to the rest. This keeps you the most productive at what you are doing, and also frees up your time.
5. Get organized and think ahead. Grouping errands and tasks together may save you gas, time and money. For example, paying 20 cents more for toothpaste at the grocery store may save money by not going to the discount store, where you would end up buying additional items you don't necessarily need.
6. Practice being genius - what are you really good at? Give yourself the freedom to do what you enjoy and help others with it.
7. Get your finances in order. Balancing your checkbook seems to be a thing of the past. Check your balances regularly, and make a strategy of paying upcoming expenses. Talk to someone if you need help. There are many free or inexpensive financial planning options out there if you look. This will help lift the financial burden off your shoulders.
8. Allow yourself a vacation, even if its only a "staycation" close to home. If you don't have the extra money to spend, keep it simple. When I am on vacation, I enjoy the time of no cooking and no cleaning! So, if my family happens to stay in a hotel room, chances are, it's a mess.....
World's Greatest Hero (June 2014)
This world has many heroes, some you know by name.
They give their best at what they do, so they deserve their fame.
But among all of the heroes this world has ever had
There is not one admired more than the guy that I call Dad.
Perhaps not like the others, he doesn't look for praise.
He's heroic in his special way, in his thoughtful caring ways.
Perhaps he's not as famous as the others that you see,
But he's everything and so much more than heroes ought to be.
He keeps his word, it's good as gold, on this you can depend,
He's honest and he's loyal, too, he's also a true friend.
When I hear about a hero, and the great things they have done,
It reminds me of my father, he is the greatest one...
Happy Father's Day! Here is another good one that I found:
"Walk a little slower, Daddy," said a little child so small.
"I'm following in your footsteps, and I don't want to fall.
Sometimes your steps are very fast, sometimes they're hard to see.
So walk a little slower, Daddy, for you are leading me.
Someday when I'm all grown up, you're what I want to be.
Then I will have a little child who'll want to follow me.
And I will want to lead just right and know that I was true.
So walk a little slower, Daddy, for I must follow you."
Continue On (May 2014)
A woman once fretted over the usefulness of her life. She feared she was wasting her potential being a devoted wife and mother. She wondered if the time and energy she invested in her husband and children would make a difference.
At times she got discouraged because so much of what she did seemed to go unnoticed and unappreciated. "Is it worth it?" she often wondered. "Is there something better that I could be doing with my time?"
It was during one of these moments of questioning that she heard the small, still voice of her heavenly Father speak to her heart.
"You are a wife and mother because that is what I have called you to be. Much of what you do is hiddenn from the public eye. But I notice. Most of what you give is done without remuneration. But I am your reward. Your husband cannot be the man I have called him to be without your support. Your influence upon him is greater than you think and more powerful that you will ever know. I bless him through your service and honor him through your love. Your children are precious to Me. Even more precious than they are to you. I have entrusted them to your care to raise them for Me. What you invest in them is an offering to Me.
You may never be in the public spotlight. But your obedience shines as a bright light before Me. Continue On. Remember you are my servant. Do all to please Me."
New Life, New Beginnings (April 2014)
Spring is all about new life. Easter means a New Life in Christ for Christians. Spring is a favorite season for many people. This time of year brings on an exciting surge of happiness from the energy and warmth of the sun, shining on pale skin from the long, cold winter.
Gone are the dead leaves and lifeless surroundings. Once again, we hear the happy chirping of birds in the morning hours. There's something about seeing the first signs of green that lifts our spirits.
5 Ways to Bloom Where You Are Planted
1. Let It Go - just like the movie "Frozen." (Great movie by the way!) Stop holding on to what hurts - make room for positive things in your life right now.
2. Accept Reality - Life is simple. keep it that way. Everything happens for a reason - accept it and learn from it. Be a better person because of it.
3. Rest Rest Rest - Don't be discouraged. Sometimes you need to step back and regroup. Beautiful blossoms result from dormancy. Rest your body, rest your mind. Remove yourself, reboot, and you'll be recharged!
4. Take chances - Don't let fear stop you or hold you back. Your fears always seem much worse than they really are. Keep trying new things, keep on loving, and keep on giving. Don't regret.
5. Appreciate - Be proud of yourself! Look for the good in others and always give compliments. Everyone needs to feel appreciated. Everyone. So much goes unsaid. Just say it!
The Infamous Pot of Gold (March 2014)
March is a jolly month, with leprechauns, lucky shamrocks, and rainbows with pots of gold. Everyone is carefree and thinking GREEN, especially with Spring right around the corner.
Are you chasing rainbows or pots of gold? People always seem to be hoping for more - a better job, better house, better car, more money, etc. Don't get lost in the general public's lack of contentment. They are forever chasing imaginary pots of gold with the hope (and obsession) that their lives will become complete, when usually the real treasure is right in front of them and they truly miss out.
It's so easy to get caught up in wanting "just a little more." Sure, it is a great feeling to get that new whatever it may be, and feel content... for a few days. Then guess what - we're back to chasing again. Remember- it's all just "stuff." Instead, focus on your own RAINBOW, and appreciate its true beauty.
Our pot of gold should be a daily dose of feeling happy, not successful. Being out in nature, gardening, volunteering your time and talent, visiting the gym or getting a massage are all different pots of gold because they bring inner pleasure and much needed peace of mind. Do whatever pleases you, and take time out of your busy schedule to enjoy it. It's good for the SOUL.
Stop wasting precious time looking for the infamous pot of gold
and follow the rainbow right in front of you.
It's beautiful. It's forever.
And worth every step.
When You Really Need To Loosen Up (Feb 2014)
Most adults carry their stress in the neck and shoulder areas. I certainly do. I tense up when I drive (especially in bad weather) and every time life gets on my nerves, which is usually on a daily basis. Even doing a simple task such as vacuuming the carpet adds additional tightness to my right shoulder.
Once you pinpoint what triggers the stress in your life, you can try different ways to lessen the pain caused by it. For example, I find that my shoulders feel better when I alternate hands while using the vacuum sweeper (or get another family member to do it for me!) My shoulders will stay more relaxed when I drive with a neck warmer around my neck. Ahh!
If you have a nagging pain in your shoulders, there are some ways you can find relief between massage visits. An excellent way to get your blood circulating and quickly moving toward your neck and shoulder region is to do some shoulder rolls. This brings much needed oxygen and warmth to those tight muscles, and also helps loosen up that whole area. I have several simple exercises I can show you during a massage session. Massage not only feels good, but is very beneficial - don't wait until your ache gets worse. Relief it now! Schedule a massage appointment with me (even 30 minutes is better than none) and I will do my best to help you get on the right track to feeling better. I offer only upper body massage because it is the place where most people need it the most. An hour full body massage limits the amount of massage time on these crucual areas. Ellen
Sinus Headache Pain (Jan 2014)
It's cold season. Here in Indiana, it seems like cold season most of the year. And allergy season. If you suffer from sinus headaches, the root cause may not be all in your head, but in your sinuses. One of the prime causes of sinusitis is sinus allergies. People are usually allergic to several things, including molds, dust, and dust mites. Some allergens might trigger an immune response, depending on how strong or weak your immune system is. The body's defense response is inflammation, which can lead to the release of histamines, which can then lead to the body producing excess mucus in the sinus tract.
Personally, I am a big fan of hot, brothy soups, hot teas, hot baths, and the neti pot (google it!) when I am congested, as well as good, old fashioned scalp, face, and neck massage. Steaming the face, drinking lots of water, and resting frequently will also help relieve sinus headache pain. Some people use over the counter products and/or ibuprofen when needed.
The sinuses are located in the cranial bones. They are lined with mucus membranes to lubricate and help filter our sensitive nasal passages. Sinus Massage stimulates the blood flow and lymphatic drainage to that area. This aids the body in its natural removal of mucus. Sinus Massage uses firm pressure on specific pressure points on your face and neck to relieve sinus congestion and pain associated with allergies.
Massage is very benefcial for sinus headaches because it releases and relaxes the tension of the affected sinus. My facials are great for tension headaches and also sinus headaches. They are more for RELAXATION than for skin care.For January, I am offering a 30 minute facial that includes sinus massage for only $20 (regularly $30). It is a great way to try a facial if you've never experienced one before. Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.
Holiday Stress (Dec 2013)
Let’s face it. Our everyday lifestyles are way too hectic to start with. Pile on all the extra “To Do” lists over the holidays, and soon we become overwhelmed, stressed out, cranky, and then totally burne